Do Triple Pane Windows Make a Difference?
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Do Triple Pane Windows Make a Difference?

Making your home as energy-efficient as possible can help you save a lot of money over the long run. There are many ways you can consider accomplishing this while you make upgrades to your home. One of these choices is the type of glass unit in your replacement window. However, even within this choice, you can make some significant decisions, such as the number of panes you choose from one to three panes. Since windows are the culprit for 40+% of energy loss in a house, it is essential to make well-informed decisions.

Triple paned windows maximize the energy efficiency of the glass in your windows. However, are they worth the extra money they might save on energy bills compared to the initial investment they require?

Do Triple Pane Windows Make a Difference?

As you are likely able to guess from their name, triple pane windows have three panes of glass. They are uniformly spaced to provide a layer of insulation between each pane. That means the temperature conduction from the outside temperature to the inside is minimal. The insulation layer between each pane is generally air or some other specialized gas like argon that is denser than air. Hence, it is even more difficult for the window to conduct heat energy.

A triple pane window's difference depends on what product you use to compare them. They are almost always compared to double pane windows since single pane windows have long been an outdated choice that quickly leads to high energy losses. Double pane windows are significantly better than single pane windows. However, are triple pane windows that much better than double pane windows?

The answer is no. Triple pane windows do make some difference, but it isn't exponential compared to the move from single to double pane windows. The estimation is that the average double pane will let about 10% of energy through on a typical day. Typical means a day without weather extremes such as weather more than 100 degrees or -25 degrees Fahrenheit. The average triple pane window will only allow 3% of energy through on a typical day. That means that your AC will be more effective, and on cold days, the windows will allow less of the cold inside.

While this isn't as large of a jump, it might still be valuable enough for some people to consider. Keep in mind that triple pane windows will cost more, be bulkier and heavier than double pane windows. 

Triple Pane Glass is Valuable in States with Extreme Cold

Although triple pane windows might not always be worth the investment, they can be valuable in states with extremely cold climates. The cold is much more pervasive. Since continuous heating is a must in these climates, the more heat your home can conserve, the more money you will save by quite a bit. 

Should I Get Triple or Double Pane Windows?

Outside of areas with a highly fluctuating climate or those with a consistently very cold climate, double pane windows are often sufficient. They do a sound job of insulating your home, reducing noise, and providing security at your home's weaker points. Even in highly trafficked areas where soundproofing is important, double pane and triple pane windows offer the same amount of noise reduction.

If you are still having trouble deciding what kind of windows to invest in as you move forward with your home upgrade, you can always discuss your options with a trusted window expert. 

March 23, 2022


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