Which color siding should I get for my house?
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Trend Alert: Homeowners Experiment with Darker Siding Colors

America has some daring homeowners on the loose. With a plethora of home design forums inspiring bold, creative curb appeal, people are beginning to notice and take action.

Wondering what the biggest rising trend amongst these style-conscious homeowners might be? Dark colored, mixed material siding.

That’s right, folks. Your neighbors across the country are taking more risks when it comes to aesthetic appeal. And we have to admit…it’s pretty cool!

Bolder siding colors - like deep reds, dark greens, and blues - are popular for boosting curb appeal.

Deep red siding as an alternative to a traditional brick facade.

Bolder siding colors - like deep reds, dark greens, and blues - are popular for boosting curb appeal.

What’s causing the craze?

The reality is quite simple. Hundreds of online tools are providing customers with an opportunity to try such drastic exterior changes without any risk involved.

By uploading a photo of your home and altering the siding, windows, roofing, you name it, right from your computer screen, there’s a chance to see what various finished outcomes will be without committing to any one thing.

So when homeowners started testing out darker siding shades on their homes’ exteriors, guess what? They liked what they saw so much that they became willing to take the plunge.

What colors are most popular?

It all comes down to contrast. Homeowners are certainly looking for bold colors and more variety, but they also want to contrast between dark and light.

According to Jery Y. Huntley, president and CEO of the Vinyl Siding Institute, deep reds (think barn-style colors) and dark greens are taking over, as well as dark blues.

To garner the contrast they seek, homeowners are pairing these rich colors with lighter shutters and accent materials, like strong trim boards. Not to mention, landscaping plays a big role in garnering such visual color dimension.

Mixing stone and other exterior materials with traditional siding increases visual interest.

Combining stone and siding creates a fun and unique look for your home's exterior.

Mixing stone and other exterior materials with traditional siding increases visual interest.

How do mixed materials come into play?

Thanks to new technology advancements, there is no limit as to how dark your siding color can go. Refined raw materials can now be darkened to a deeper extent without worry of fading in the long term.

Jonathan Wierengo, vice president of marketing for Tapco Group, says, “Longevity is key. We use a proprietary cap stock that keeps color vibrant and protects against UV weathering.”

But it goes much further than the manufacturing process, at least when it comes to the homeowners’ desires. A mash-up of design and style techniques comes into play when installing siding to the home.

For instance, many builders and manufacturers have seen a spike in mixing complementary stone, stucco, shake and shingle accents with traditional siding. Some even go as far as switching up the direction siding is placed. Vertical siding may be installed on the upper level of a house with horizontal siding on the lower level. This garners more visual interest, and provides the opportunity for homeowners to create truly unique curb appeal.

How can you implement this trend in your own home?

It starts with research. Hop onto popular sites like Houzz and Pinterest to gain some design inspiration. Take note of all the things you like and don’t like. Drive around and look at houses you admire. Stop by a local home improvement store or exterior remodeling company to chat with experts about the different style options available. The resources are endless.

Once you’ve defined a clear style preference, start determining unique ways to showcase that flair and personality on the exterior of your home. The truth is: there’s no way to go wrong here. Creativity is the key.

What siding colors are your favorite? Share with us in the comments below.

Sources: http://www.proremodeler.com/product-trends-siding-compartmentalized-cladding


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